My name is Lex Whalen. You can see a picture of me here. For more info, my LinkedIn is here.
PhD student @ GT. My goal is to help us achieve and improve super-human intelligence at an affordable price, both to our pockets and to our world. Bonus points if we can vastly improve society as we do it.
I also claim to have a life outside of research. 研究以外の生活もあると主張したいと思います。The purpose of this website is to store my CV, a list of searchable papers, and a list of books I've read.
You can contact me by emailing at [first letter of first name lowercase][last name lowercase]
You can also check out my GitHub.
As long as the project is interesting, I am willing to go anywhere and learn anything.
Last time this was edited was 2025-03-10 (YYYY/MM/DD).